Mid-Semester Self Evaluation

If I were assigned a participation grade this week, I would give myself a B+. I participate a bit in lecture, but in discussion I participate a fair amount. During presentations, I try to ask at least one question for each presenter or group presentation, partly to help myself understand better but also to help the presenter to be able to answer. However, I only gave myself a B+ because I haven’t really gone above and beyond on the blogs. I don’t read and comment on enough blogs, and I think doing that would have demonstrated going above and beyond in participating in this class so far. I do arrive on time for class (Berkeley time of course, since I have a lecture in Stanley Hall that ends at 2 and I have to walk across campus to get to Mulford). I read the ethics in the news articles, though I should comment on them as well. I also try to participate in the group work. One thing I can do better in reading the textbook. I try to read what I can, but I haven’t read all the chapters as thoroughly as I should.

I think I am meaning most of the objectives I set out for in my learning proposal. The stuff I had outlined that I need to do better in hasn’t yet been fully met, so I do have some work to do. The text book has been very helpful in writing up blogs for the ethics in the news articles and critical reflections articles that were assigned. I also found the book helpful when writing up my interview reflection, even citing a few case studies from said book to try to connect my interview to what I was learning in class.

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