Peer Review of Group 1; by Group 6.

Peer Review of Group One

As part of addressing ethical issues and providing resources, Group One participated in the CITRIS Mobile App Challenge, identifying a social problem that could be addressed by creating a new mobile technology. The group began by explaining that they had used two technologies to promote ethical issues and engage the community, the largest project of which was creating a mobile app called ‘Two Cents’ for charitable donations. The app would be a resource for engaging the community for wider ethical issues such as hunger and poverty, indirectly connected to ethics and engineering. The app will be viewed by many UC Berkeley students, helping to raise the profile of ethics on campus and the app will be launched at the CITRIS demo day. The group’s plan was very reasonable; the project was being implemented, the app was already complete, and a promotional video had been made explaining how the app works, to be used for outreach to the community at the launch. The group described their approach and work still be to done, also evaluating how their project progressed, and concluded by screening the video and inviting the class to join them at the CITRIS event. The app could be taken further by using the app for the Engineering Ethics Week at UC Berkeley, linking engineering ethics to wider ethical issues and their resolution by technology.

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